A few words from Rayno
"We work really hard to build solutions that solve problems,..."
Thank you to each and every staff member of Binary City for the tremendous commitment to our goals. Our company is a success because of each and everyone of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
And then our clients, thank you for your loyalty to Binary City. We work really hard to build solutions that solve problems, and we thank you for sticking with us, for your patience and for your trust in us.
As 2021 is coming to an end, my excitedness for 2022 is already there. This year was focused on maintaining, building a strong staff complement, continuously servicing customers, and making sure that our team stays safe. It was an interesting ride, and one that I can also say I really enjoyed (even though it wasn't an easy year).
We look forward to providing much more in 2022 together! May you have yourself an amazing time of rest, a Merry Christmas, and a very happy and prosperous 2022.As we edge closer to new 2022 we must take the opportunity to reflect on some moments of 2021. - Rayno Burger | Binary City Co-founder

A few words from Darius
"when you combine passion with hard work, the potential is endless."
Time is precious and how we choose to spend it, shapes our future. I once heard the following: "If you do the easy things most of the time, you will have a hard life, but if you choose to do the hard things most of the time, you will have an easy life." This perspective resonates with me and I believe that at Binary City, we follow the same principles. Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life. We are passionate about technology and when you combine passion with hard work, the potential is endless.
Our loyal clients provide us with the opportunity to work hard, solve problems and make a difference in someone's life. We'll strive to always deliver high quality service to our prestigious clients, because we realise that without you, Binary City would not exist. Thank you for all the opportunities, challenges and time to enjoy coffee together. Your support throughout 2021 is highly appreciated, and we look forward to doing business with you in 2022.
I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Darius Burger | Binary City Co-founder