It's the knight thing to do!
On some days, it felt like winter came early but what we do know definitively, the Namibian winter is around the corner and not everyone is as fortunate as you and I to keep warm. Not every Namibian has a cosy blanket or a warm jacket. Its heart breaking, and we're calling on everyone to join us in helping those in need.
In the streets of Windhoek, the Binary City Saints team will rise once more to answer this call. Joining the Round Table - Namibia Area in their annual Winter Knights campaign for 2024.
Meet us at our usual spot!
Cnr David Hosea Meroro Rd & Goshawk Str, Windhoek (Papa G corner)
7 June 2024
06h00 to 08h00
What could you donate
Old or new winter clothes and blankets, as well as cash donations.

Let us not just stand by while someone silently shivers in misery. We must do what we can, whenever we can. Here's your moment, ride forth with us into this winter armed with our collective goodwill and the strength of Namibian unity. Together, we'll offer warmth and hope in the hearts of those who are in need.
Within each of us lies the spirit of a knightly saint, ready to uphold the values of empathy and compassion. No human being should be left to brave the cold alone. See you in the frontline. :-)
#BCSaints #WinterKnights2024 #BinaryCity
Some pictures of #WinterKnights2023😍
The BC Saints & the Winter Knights... Victory!
[Updated 13/06/2024]
What an incredible event. If you're Namibian, be proud of this moment, and if you're reading from reading from anywhere else, let's give a round of applause. The generous donations were received with sincere gratitude by The Round Table Namibia Area. A huge thank you to our Binary City Saints team, as well as a multiple other amazing business teams across Namibia. Collectively, we did an impressive collection, over N$320k, plus an array winter items. This will make a huge difference to the cause. How beautiful it is, to be have been a part of this. From team Binary City, a massive 'THANK YOU!' to everyone who shown their generosity and support. ❤️🙏
View pictures on Binary City Facebook page. :-)