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Earth Day 2021

Restore our Earth - Placing Focus in Africa
21 April 2021 by
Earth Day 2021
Binary City CC - Dept - Marketing, Rollands Puckree

Restore Our Earth

The time is now - indeed it is long overdue.

Throughout Africa, we have seen human induced environmental degradation ranging from air pollution, improper waste management, deforestation, industrialization and urbanization to illegal wildlife trafficking leading to climatic extreme events from floods, heatwaves, drought to endangering species and deterioration of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

These climate crisis are threatening the availability of food, water and  livelihoods of the people, species and ecosystems all across Africa.

The theme for Earth Day 2021 is  “Restore Our Earth” and is based the concept that rejects the idea that our only options to save the planet are to mitigate or adapt to the impacts of climate change and other environmental damage. Scientists, we nonprofits, business, governments and everyday citizens worldwide now are looking at natural system processes and emerging green technologies to restore the world’s ecosystems and forests, conserve and rebuild soils, improve farming practices, restore wildlife populations and rid the world’s oceans of plastics.

This is a call to action to citizens of Sub Saharan Africa and humanity worldwide to be part of the solution in attaining a resilient planet.

EARTHDAY.ORG Africa – works with staff members and partners in sub-Saharan countries including Kenya, Tanzania, The Gambia, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, Senegal, Zambia, Nigeria, Malawi, Ghana, Madagascar, South Africa

We are calling on everyday citizens to rise up and come together to engage the public, educate people about the benefits of being friendly to the environment in their daily lives, and act to make positive and sustainable changes to protect Africa and our planet for this Earth Day and beyond.

#RestoreOurEarth #EarthDayAfrica

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