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Cyber Security

Awareness Month with Binary City
4 de outubro de 2021 por
Cyber Security
Binary City CC - Dept - Marketing, Rollands Puckree

Cyber Security Awareness Month with Binary City (2021)

(watch the recap video at the bottom of the page)

Cybercrimes are rising at a rapid pace. So? What is cybercrime? Bots? Phishing? Passwords? Why should you care? These are some of the topics we'll be spreading awareness about. Ultimately, how can you keep your data, identity and finances safe when you are online. 

To help spread this message we called upon our dear friends at Radiowave, Namibia's #1 Hit Music Station, to help us.

Tune in to Radiowave 96.7 FM during the month of October, every Tuesday at 07h45. The Tech Tuesday Show will be promoting Cyber Security Awareness Month with Binary City! Binary City's very own Co-founder, Rayno Burger, will be on air speaking about the ins and out of cyber security and how you can keep yourself and your company safe.

Let's look at a few topics to be aware about...


What is it?

Cybercrime is any crime which is committed electronically. This can include :

  • Theft

  • Fraud

  • Threat to life

  • Identity theft

  • Child sexual abuse materials

  • Financial theft

  • Intellectual property violations

  • Malware

  • Malicious social engineering

Why should you care?

Crime is a danger offline and on! Cyber self-defense basics can go a long way to keeping you and your data out of the hands of bad actors. Billions of dollars are lost every year due to a cyber crimes. If we don't spread awareness towards online safety, falling victim to a scam is highly probable. 

In a recent case study about people who were approached by scammers on social media, 91% engaged, and 53% lost money.


What is it?

Any software intended to :

  • Damage

  • Disable

  • Or give someone unauthorized access to your computer or other internet-connected device

  • Ransomware

  • Adware

  • Botnets

  • Rootkits

  • Spyware

  • Viruses

  • Worms

Why should you care?

Most cybercrime begins with some sort of malware. You, your family, and your personal information is almost certainly at risk if malware finds its way onto your computer or devices. 


What is it?

Malware designed to make data or hardware inaccessible to the victim until a ransom is paid.

  • Cryptolocker

  • Winlock

  • Cryptowall

  • Reveton

  • Bad rabbit

  • Crysis

  • Wannacry

Why should you care?

Often downloaded as malicious email links...

  • That can cause damage to both financial stability and reputation,

  • With no guarantee that you will get your data back, even if you pay,

  • And often used as a decoy for other malicious activity

(There was a recent article on CNN Business about the rise in ransomware attacks and ways to stop them. Good read too.)


What is it?

Bots are a type of program used for automating tasks on the internet.

Did You Know?

Not all bots are bad. When you use a search engine, these results are made possible by the help of bots “crawling” the internet and indexing content. Chatbots like Siri and Alexa are another common type of “good” bot. 

Why should you care?

Malicious bots can :

  • Gather passwords

  • Log keystrokes

  • Obtain financial information

  • Hijack social media accounts

  • Use your email to send spam

  • Open back doors on the infected device

Physical Cyber Attacks

What is it? 

Physical cyber attacks use hardware, external storage devices, or other physical attack vectors to infect, damage, or otherwise compromise digital systems. This can include :

  • USB storage devices

  • CD/DVD

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Did you know?

Anything connected to the internet is potentially vulnerable, from e-scooters to laptops to cargo ships.

Why should you care?
  • Easy to overlook

  • Difficult to identify and detect

  • Extremely difficult to remove

  • Can do anything from installing ransomware, to sending copies of or modifying information systems, to dismantling networks

Social Engineering

What is it? 

Cybercriminals can take advantage of you by using information commonly available through :

  • Social media platforms

  • Location sharing

  • In-person conversations

  • Phishing

  • Pretexting

  • Baiting

  • Quid pro quo

  • Tailgating

  • Inside job

  • Swatting

Why should you care?

Your privacy isn’t just a luxury – it’s a security measure. Attacks can be successful with little to no programming knowledge or ability. Technological security measures can only protect you so, are your best defense.


What is it?

Fake messages from a seemingly trusted or reputable source designed to convince you to :

  • Reveal information

  • Give unauthorized access to a system

  • Click on a link

  • Commit to a financial transaction

  • Emails

  • Text messages

  • Phone calls

  • Social media messages and posts

  • Suspicious hyperlinks

Why should you care?

Extremely common and can have severe consequences for individuals and companies.

According to the 2021 Identity Fraud Study by Javelin Strategy & Research, online fraud costed US consumers about $56 billion in 2020, with about 49 million consumers falling victim.  That's roughly N$844 billion...staggering!

How can you better protect yourself online?

Secure your networks

Wireless routers are a way for cybercriminals to access online devices.

Stay up to date

Keep software updated to the latest versions and set security software to run regular scans. 

If you connect it, protect it

One proven defense against intrusion is updating to the latest virus protection software.

Double your login protection

Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure that the only person who has access to your account is you.


Something to know - Password or credential stuffing is a cyberattack that tries “stuffing” already comprised username and passwords from one site into another site in hopes that the user uses the same login information across platforms. Oh yes, so here are some tips :

  • Use different passwords on different systems and accounts

  • Use the longest password allowed

  • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols

  • Reset your password every few months

  • Use a password manager

 As of January 2021 there were 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide - 59.5 percent of the global population. Of this total, 92.6 percent (4.32 billion) accessed the internet via mobile devices. Sadly, only a small percentage of us follow good online safety practices. Share this knowledge to those you care could be save them from falling victim to cybercrimes. 

Did you miss it? Watch all four episodes :


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