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Binary City Time API (Application Programming Interface)

Binary City Time API (Application Programming Interface)

We've introduced a Binary City Time API that enables 3rd party applications to retrieve and send data to Binary City Time, using standards: 

  • HTTP

  • GET requests

  • POST requests

The results - after a GET or POST - will be presented in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.

This is sold as a separate module and comes with full examples in PHP and .NET C# languages.

The API can currently be used to:


Description of feature

Create employees

When creating an employee in your payroll system, the employee can automatically be created in Binary City Time.

Edit employees

When a person’s surname changes (for example, when getting married), the surname can automatically change in Binary City Time once such a change has been made in your payroll system.

Terminate employees

When a person is terminated in your payroll system, the employee can automatically be terminated on Binary City Time (and removed from the devices).

Update department

Update an employee’s department.

More features will be added to the API over time, but immediate requirements of clients should please be communicated to us for quick response.

All API calls automatically effects the changes required to the information on the devices, seamlessly.

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