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Time & Attendance Functionality
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Binary City Time API (Application Programming Interface)
Binary City Time integration with BioTime Technical Documentation
Overtime rules
Overtime Rules
Overtime rules are the reporting rules of the system. As employees clock, the overtime rules are applied to the clocking data to report on time and attendance behaviour of staff.
Overtime requires approval. Users can pre-approve the amount of overtime assigned to employees.
Setting name | Description of setting | Example (If Applicable) |
Normal | This is the amount of hours an employee is required to work on a day. | |
Overtime threshold | This is the amount of time which must pass before an employee’s overtime starts being calculated after his normal hours have been worked. | |
Rounding | Rounding means that an employee must work a certain amount of time (minutes) of the following time period (15 min, 30 min, 60 min) for the time to be rounded. | |
Apply rate on day where most hours worked | This is applicable when a shift start on one date, but end on the following date and law requires that all of the hours are paid on the rate where ever the most hours were worked. For example: The employee starts working on Saturday night at 23h00 until Sunday morning 07h00. In this case, all hours should be calculated to the overtime rule set up for Sundays, if this option was enabled. | |
Calculate night-time | Night-time will be calculated for the period specified. | For example, in Namibian Labour Law the period is from 20:00 to 07:00; for each hour worked in this period an additional 6% of the employee’s hourly rate will be granted. |
Day Detail | Each day can be customised individually, or grouped together.d | For example, Weekdays can be grouped together and Saturdays and Sundays customised individually. |
Calculate public holidays as working hours | When enabled, an employee will receive his/her normal hours on a public holiday, before any hours worked.d | |
Allocate leave hours on public holidays | When enabled the employee will receive their normal hours if paid leave is added on a public holiday. | |
Incl. absent | When enabled absent reporting will be done for the selected day(s). | |
Use first-in and last-out clockings to determine hours worked | Only the first and the last clockings for the day will be used in calculating Time & Attendance. | For example if you have a lot of access control points in your building, you might want the application to ignore all clockings except the first and last. |
Clock out and in for lunch | This option is for employees who will clock out and in for lunch (as opposed to having the application subtract a lunch period). | |
Lunch duration | The lunch duration that the application should subtract for each employee on each day. | |
Lunch threshold | How long should an employee work before lunch duration is subtracted. | |
Deduct lunch on public holidays | Should the lunch period be subtracted from public holidays. | |
Overtime | Overtime can be calculated in various ways:
| |
Public holidays overtime set up | Public holidays overtime can be calculated in various ways:
| |
Shifts | Here you can specify the shift start and end time, the min hours an employee should work in a day, as well as the lunch set up (duration or time specified) |
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