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Data stored on the devices

Data Stored on the devices

The devices store the following biographical data of employees:



Device ID

ID that is allocated to each employee in sequence, when employee is create in Binary City Time software.


The employee name as specified when created in Binary City Time, is stored.


The employee name as specified when created in Binary City Time, is stored.


The employee's device privilege on the system. Please refer to "Device Users" for a detailed explanation of how this works, but effectively, a user can either be:

  • Common user - This is a normal user that is only authorised to clock on the device

  • Enroller user - This is a normal user with slightly higher privileges which will allow a user with this privilege, to also enroll fingerprints for staff members, however no other access is available to these users.

  • Administrator user - This is a privileged user who has access to open up the menu of the device and access the device back end functions (such as enrolling a user's fingerprint, deleting information from the device, downloading information from the device, changing the date and time,etc.)

Fingerprint templates

All fingerprints that are enrolled for each employee, is stored on the device to allow for authentication when the employee puts his or her finger on the biometric device. This is stored in a ZKTeco proprietary format that can only be used by ZKTeco devices making use of their fingerprint template algorithm.

Pin codes

If an employee has a pin code registered, this is stored on the device (Typically this is more an exception than a rule, and is an option we offer to employees that has difficulty having their fingerprints read by the biometric reader).

RFID Card Registered

If an employee has a RFID card registered, this is stored on the device (Just as per the pin codes above, typically this is more an exception than a rule, and is an option we offer to employees that has difficulty having their fingerprints read by the biometric reader).

The When the system is used for access control, these device ids, are also linked to timezone groups, but this is not effective when using the system for time & attendance only.

The following transactional data (as staff clock on the system) is stored on the device:



Device ID

ID that is allocated to each employee in sequence, when employee is create in Binary City Time software.


This refers to clocking in or out

Date & Time

The date and time that the staff member clocked

None of the backend functions of the device is available to any user who has not been enrolled as an administrator from the Binary City Time software.

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