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How to enroll RFID cards in BC Time

The instructions below will guide you with this process. 

For the enrolment of RFID cards in BC Time, use a Employee or Visitor and assign the card to the employee or visitor in the following manner.

For instructions on how to load a new employee in Binary City Time, please refer to the section in our manual, by clicking here.

Step 1: Go to Manage | Employees | Manage

Step 2: Select the employee you would like to add the card to

Locate the Card Number on the RFID Card

Step 3: Navigate to the Device details tab | Insert the Card number under Card Number

Click enter to save the enrolled card. 

Several card types display the number as per the below, but the number should be entered without the preceding zeros. 

A command is generated shortly to update the device and the card will then work on any device that the employee has access to.

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