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Using Google Authenticator: iOS and Android

How to setup the Google Authentication for iOS and Android phones

If you are using IOS (iPhone) device:

Step 1: Download Google Authenticator from the App Store, once done it will appear on your home screen as indicated on the screenshot below.

Step 2: Then click on the application to open  it, then follow the setup steps as prompted by the application.

  • Click on begin setup

  • Scan the QR code that you get from step 3 below.


Step 3: Follow the steps provided in this guide to get the QR code for scanning.

If you are using an Android device:

Step 1: Download Google Authenticator from the Play Store and it will appear on your home screen as seen below.

Step 2: Then click on the application to open  it, then follow the setup steps as prompted by the application.

  • Click on begin setup

  • Scan the QR code that you get from step 3 below.


Step 3: Follow the steps provided in this guide to get the QR code for scanning.

Step 4: Scan QR Code and then the application becomes operational. You will now be able to use the provided codes for 2-Step Verification. If you manage to login, STOP HERE!!!

If the provided code is not working in Android:

Step 5: Click on the 3 dots on the Top-Right corner and then select Settings. You will then get 2 options, select the first one which is Time Correction for Codes

Step 6: Click on Sync now, and the application will take a few seconds to sync the time. 

Step 7: Return to the screen with the codes, then type in the code provided. 

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