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Setting up a device for access control/security

Setting up a device for access control/security


You must have Manage roles to Devices, Employee(s) and Employee Group(s) under the users Tab

  • Set up Area(s)

  • Set up Employee Group(s)

Step 1: Set up Areas and assign data sets to specific employee group

Create the Employee group: Navigate to Manage | Employees | Group(s) - create a group

Click New to create a new group

Create the Group: Navigate to the General tab - Name: provide a name for your group of employees

Create the Group: Navigate to the Members tab - Search and select the employee(s) that will belong to his group

Create the Group: Navigate to the Area(s) tab - Search and select the area(s) that will belong to his group

Note: If no areas populate, proceed to the next step

Create the Areas: Navigate to Manage | Device(s) | Area(s) - create a new area

Click New to create a new area

Navigate to the General tab: - Name: name the area

Navigate to the Employee group membership tab: - Select the employee group that should have access to this area

Note: If no data populates, ensure the pre-requisites above have been met and you have completed Step 1 above

Step 2: Select the device you would like to set up as a security device

Note: Areas created in Step 1

Step 3: Navigate to Clock status & Area(s) 

  • Come from area: This determines the area an employee comes from

  • Go to area: This determines the area an employee goes to


Note: Set up seen here is for a stand alone device used for Security purposes

  • All states will be determined by the status selected 

Note: Set up seen here is for a device connected with a slave device used for Security or Time and attendance and Security purposes

  • States of the master device will be determined by the status selected

  • Firmware must be updated accordingly to allow communication with the slave device

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